After several years of resistance, the voracious reading of other people’s posts and repeatedly being told to get a blog if I want to become a writer, I have surrendered to the guilty pleasure of self-indulgent blogging. Hello, reader! This is the first post and I have to admit, it is rather exciting. Sometimes all I want to do is talk for several hours about something completely geeky or fashionista-y, like MIA’s new video or, like, the height of heels this season. This will be your purpose, my darling bloggy-blog. You will take my train of thought and allow it to flow into several lines of pure, unadulterated and quality blabber, saving some poor unwitting friend from several minutes of confused rambling. Lucky blog!
So anyway today, which is a rather typically bleak Mancunian day, I am escaping the mono-colours outdoors by curling up in bed with my electric blanket, a large mug of Earl Grey and fantasies revolving around my Roberto Cavalli grey hammered silk dress awaiting me at home. (Thank YOU, sale!) I have yet to meet my dress, what with my distrust of the postal service (I had it delivered home-home rather than university-home) but I have no doubt that it is going to be the start of something quite beautiful.

Darling, isn't she!
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